Tuesday 31 July 2012

How i wished we had summer

You know those days in the movies where kids would run home with hearts of joy. While the sun shine bright on them and most of them can't wait to be tanned and have all those fun in the sun. One word..Summer!! Do you like summer? yea that's what awaits them there. Here in Malaysia...summer? yea right! haze filled this place more than sunlight! LMAO

I would love to hit the outdoors and do all those stereotypical summer stuff like beach volleyball, surfing, road trips! OMG yes roadtrips! the fooooooddd! picnics everywheeree. seems like coll stuff you know. :D except the sun in a tropical country i don't think it is meant for like summer tanning, you'll get cancer for real! it's so F******* HAWT! damn.. :(

So. here's a video to check out. This Korean girl group went to Hawaii to film their latest Music Video with a HUGE budget with hired surfers! and and Models!! and and their sailor outfits? what do ya want me to say? LOL summer can't be better. They have really hot bodies not the typical stick figures ppl like and boy do they look good tanned! ;D
A piece of advice, watch in HD cause the filming is very very well produced! and their voices, not bad eh? NO auto tunes!! that's a total magnet! :D

So yea the video has it all, surfing, roller skating, roadtrips, pool side nonsensical playing! and a bit of a DANCING WHEN THE SUN SETS!! come on you've gotta find that sexayyyyy!! 
I stand by my need to do list and i am putting this in! **but of executing it well coughs coughs we'll see** ;D 


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